Grave Gamer News & Views

Where the hell was this when I needed it most? Look at the...

Where the hell was this when I needed it most?  Look at the ingenuity and convenience of the buttons spread all over the goddamn place.  Craftsmanship.

Gaming Factoid of the Day: Dead Space

Plantet cracking.Everyone’s favorite sci-fi comic guru, Warren Ellis, had a hand in developing many of Dead Space’s concepts including, but not limited to, the idea of the USG Ishimura being a planet-cracking vessel.

If you haven’t scoped out Ellis’ Transmetropolitan then you’re missing out on one of the most bizarre, entertaining, engrossing, and often just gross interpretations of our future to ever hit comics....

Economics tip: probably should’ve held back on the promises of...

Economics tip: probably should’ve held back on the promises of pain if you wanted to keep arcades afloat. 

DS /- By Alexander Trufanov

doomsdaily: Zombie MW2 Ghost Special Edition 1 of 1...


Zombie MW2 Ghost Special Edition 1 of 1

Bwah!  Anyone else notice Ghost was dead this whole time?  British accents can hide anything.