Grave Gamer News & Views — the elder scrolls

Skyrim by Danil Shunkov

Pictured: oddly one of the most rewarding parts of Skyrim.

Pictured: oddly one of the most rewarding parts of Skyrim.

Who wrote the Elder Scrolls?

Urag gro-Shub: It would take a month to explain to you how that very question doesn't even make sense.

As a first impression, I smacked Paarthurnax with my shield the...

As a first impression, I smacked Paarthurnax with my shield the instant I met him.  You can’t have me slaying dragons all over the goddamned countryside and suddenly expect me to think, “Maybe this fire-spewing crocodile the size of a garbage truck just wants to chat?”

Whiterun has been cleansed from the face of Tamriel.

Whiterun has been cleansed from the face of Tamriel.