Grave Gamer News & Views — tekken

Tekken Taffy by Kinman Chan

Street Fighter X Tekken Sound Patch Inbound Offline, SFxT’s...

Street Fighter X Tekken Sound Patch Inbound

Offline, SFxT’s frenetic combat works beautifully, displaying Capcom’s fighting muscle like never before.  Online, however, the addition of tag team switching to the Street Fighter engine comes at the irritating price of devastating sound drops that have been a thorn in fan’s asses since release day.

Peaking on the horizon is the answer to our woes as a patch to the game’s netcoding has been announced for next week.  The patch will be tethered to the Tournament Support update which implements a more user friendly way to choose between gems before a fight.  At last, my resounding defeats will be heard to their fullest extent.

In the meantime, check out SFxT’s store – there’s a heap of “downloadable” content that released today (free and otherwise) that includes quick combos, costumes, and finally some new colors to bastardize your favorite fighter with.

Street Fighter X Tekken’s Intro Cinematic Hits the Web Tuesday...

Street Fighter X Tekken’s Intro Cinematic Hits the Web

Tuesday sees the release of two mainstay fighting franchises duking it out within one title that adheres to the gameplay established by the better selling series.  Hey, hey, no knock against Tekken; I’m confident it’d be a different story if each Tekken had an Ultimate Super Turbo Remix HD Arcade Edition.  (Fret not – Tekken X Street Fighteris...

Street Fighter X Tekken - ‘Everything You Need to Know’ With...

Street Fighter X Tekken - ‘Everything You Need to Know’

With gaming’s (other) greatest crossover coming out March 6th, it’s time to squash any and all questions your head might be spinning with.  This informative video schools you on fundamental features in SFxTKincluding the gem system, online tag battles, the hugely opened-up character customization, and how to properly flaunt a robe while being...

Street Fighter X Tekken (PC/PS3/PS Vita/Xbox 360) “If there needs...

Street Fighter X Tekken (PC/PS3/PS Vita/Xbox 360)

“If there needs to be a balance patch, we can do that. We want to reassure players that they only need to buy this disc. Just one disc. We’re not planning to do Super Street Fighter X Tekken, so players only need to buy this disc, and if we do any updating in the future, it’ll be issued via DLC.”

The words of Yoshinori Ono, Street Fighter X Tekken’s producer, when pressed about the chances of seeing a ‘Super’ or 'Ultimate’ reissue of the game.  Somebody chisel this quote in stone.  Or tattoo it.  Shit, laser carve it into the face of the moon so that Yoshinori can look to the clear night sky in times of doubt and whisper, “Just one disc…”

I will continue to be woefully inept at these games while still being totally infatuated with them when SFxT hits retail March 6th.